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そこで、Handy Taskは障害者雇用に悩む現場に焦点をあて、障害のある人が従事する社内業務の「切り出しツール」を提供します。その後、Handy Task上に登録された障害者のスキル(強み)と障害状況のマッチングを図り、採用のミスマッチを防ぐサービスを提供します。Handy Taskを通じて、障害のある人が「戦力」として企業内で活躍することは、障害者の自己実現を可能にさせるだけでなく、一人の人財として企業に貢献することは間違いありません。

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Handy Task



Our solution is simple – Handy task brings an online referral system, registration template of human resources and workflow of tasks generated from companies. This Handy Task online system divides companies’ hiring needs into multiple tasks to match their unmet task to suited personality and specialty of workers with disabilities. Handy Task will enhance both company’s productivity by meeting their hiring needs, and people with disabilities by providing them with suited tasks to be motivated. Our existing prototype recognises and understands tasks in demand from companies to hire while stores the database of personality and specialty of people with disabilities who are motivated to contribute and see their own potentials. Our solution is universally applicable – bringing smile to every one of us and grow in profession. We truly believe that we need to create fair opportunities to build the inclusive society.


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